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Discovering the Innovative Ways of Enjoying Sacred Sex

Sacred sexuality is also known as spiritual sex, which has been practised over the years. Through this practice, you can connect sex through spiritual & emotional aspects. If this is a completely new term for you, then here in this blog, we will discuss some common Sacred Sexuality practices. 

Spiritual Sexuality And The Views Of People On It

Those days are gone when we relate sex to some sinful activities or something you should be ashamed to talk about. But now different people have different views on this, and they can share their views publically on it. In sacred sex, you can engage in a sex activity where you can connect with the universe & divine energy.

In ancient times, women embodied their feminine energy and merged them into their souls. Through this Sacred Sexuality practice, you can take sex as a ritual worship. This practice is great for providing creativity, intimacy and physical health. It’s an emotional practice rather than a physical one.

When you transform your Tantra Relationship with sexual pleasure, you have the power to build intimacy and trust in your relationship. Through this, you can heal your trauma & bring more happiness into your lives. So, let’s briefly discuss ways to enjoy sacred sex. Well, you can do this practice with your partner or solo.

Spiritual sex is more concerned with enhancing sensuous pleasure and experiencing pleasure from each particle of your spirit. It is also crucial to highlight that holy sexuality is available to everyone, not only Tantra students. Anyone may enter the enchanted realm of true and unfettered sexual vigour.

Are you intrigued? Then it's time to explain the heavenly characteristics that give sacred sexuality its existence. Continue reading to discover what makes Tantra Learning so amazing and how to elevate your sexual experience to a new astounding level.

8 Ways To Enjoy The Sacred Sex Fully 

Release All The Expectations 

Go with whatever assumptions you have for yourself, your spouse, or the experience as the first step towards spiritual sexuality. When performing this initial, there is usually some fear and perhaps some humiliation. Examine what you enjoy, what causes you uneasy, and what doesn't work. Learn from this, apply it to your next sexual encounter, and repeat.

Connect With Your Spiritual Side

What makes anything sacred isn't the object itself but your connection with it and how you treat it. It might help to consider what you hope to gain through spiritual sex, which will differ for everyone. Consider how you can connect with your inner body and sexuality.

Discrimination Is Chaos

When you regard sex as holy, you will be more selective about who you engage your body with. You'll be more conscious about how that linked energy affects you. And the more frequently you engage in spiritual sex, the more just physical sex becomes unsatisfying.

Look For Divine Qualities In Your Spouse

When you recognise the divine inside yourself, you will begin to recognise it in individuals, animals, and nature. If you symbolise this greater force, your spouse is also. Bring this to their attention when you're together, staring into their eyes and having sex.

Make A Holy Space

It's critical to set up an environment and create a comfortable, romantic, sensual mood in the room before having sex. Put on some soothing music, put some candles or turn on the twinkling lights, and make sure the space is clean and clutter-free. You may take it a step further by scattering petals of roses on your bed, finding a special blanket for holy sex, lighting incense, or adding essential oils to a mist.

Have A Holy Orgasm

When having spiritual sex, having a feeling of orgasm after intercourse is not the purpose. However, if you experience an orgasm (at any time), focus on the energy produced, connect it, and take it up to the centre of yourself. This allows you to put that energy to use by raising it to greater chakras rather than wasting it.

Soul Gazing

Spiritual sex involves communicating with your partner deliberately prior to, during, and after intercourse. One of the most attractive methods to achieve this is to stare into each other's eyes for at least one minute without breaking the connection.

It necessitates both persons being really honest and open with each other. It will feel as though you are peering into your partner's soul when you do this.

Engage In Self-Care

Finally, whether you're having sacred sex alone or with someone else, don't rush back into normal life straight after your session. Share your ideas, emotions, and difficulties with your spouse or in a notebook. Enjoy the closeness you've just had.

Most people's spiritual sex is highly intimate. If you want to participate in spiritual sex with a partner, talk about it first. Some individuals may be uneasy with incorporating spiritual themes into sex, or they may dislike the specific actions you are considering. It is critical to talk with your spouse about sex, especially if you intend to incorporate a spiritual component into the practice.


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