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Tantric Tips for a More Playful Love Life

Do you think your love life lacks the old feeling? And, is it difficult to make your bond stronger again? Then, it's time to spice up your love life with tantra practices. For all the disturbances and obstacles coming your way while forming a good sex life again, tantra can be the ultimate solution. Today's modern-day couple believes in tantra practices to bring sacred sexuality and enjoy a playful love life.

Tantric love-making practices are a great way of connecting with your partner. To lead a healthy and conscious sex life, tantra experts let you learn the power of communication with sexual intelligence. Several tantric tips can bring back your happy love life to form a stronger bond than ever.

Connect with yourself before connecting with your partner

Remember, connecting with your partner is hard when you cannot connect with yourself. It is necessary to develop an open connection with your own heart. This will let you form a sort of connection with your partner. You must know your feelings and desires and then connect them to your partner. Time plays a big role when you get intimate. Before sexual contact, you must take enough time to tune in to yourself.

This should become a regular practice. So, tantra experts advise taking some time to simply tune up before approaching your partner. Just close your eyes and feel your body sensations. Give time and space to raise your feelings. You need to silently acknowledge your love and desire for your partner. This connection will form an appreciative atmosphere for love-making.

Control your expectations before it turns into disappointment

Having expectations in the love-making process can lead to disappointment. It can also ruin your partner's mood. According to relationship tantra, when you prefer sex with aims and expectations, it seems like you are always thinking of the end goal. Remember, the aim is not to reach the climax. You should try sex without making goals.

Control your expectations and simply allow things that take place organically. For example, when you discover a simple hug or kiss connects you both, spend time on that rather than proceeding forward. Try staying with this sensual activity for more time.

Don't stop yourself from communicating during the entire process

Practice communicating in the love-making process. This will show your emotional honesty towards your partner. Communication is the key to a deeper sensual connection with your partner during sex. It is also taught in the tantra sessions for couples. Remember that the time before sex can be vulnerable, so you must be careful before approaching your partner. Be careful about what you speak and how you portray it.

Try to talk about fantasies and desires and open up with your partner. It will build up courage, and go for it. You can also share what turns you on in your partner. Try to communicate with eye contact when you reach the emotional state. Even after sex, stay connected, holding and communicating with each other.

Set your boundaries and respect your partner's boundaries

Sometimes, you may not feel like having penetrative sex but prefer to enjoy hugs, cuddles, or gentle touches. You can talk with your partner about your boundaries. Also, listen to your partner's boundaries and dislikes. It will give you the freedom to be more comfortable and know each other. Hence, it will let you negotiate and then take part in the love-making process.

Accepting your partner's boundaries is a way of respecting them. It will raise the emotional honesty between you both. The boundaries can change in the future. So, you need to be aware of it when you have reached your comfort zone.

When it's time, leave your comfort zone and experiment beyond it

Being in your comfort zone is not always good for your sex life. People are always stuck in their comforts and don't prefer to experiment, even if they are willing to. This will not result in a satisfactory sex life because old routines don't work all the time. This can also get you into trouble. Sharing your fantasies can break these sex habits. Also, experiment and try sex in different environments. Create moments to form a loving atmosphere and have fun.

Always Go With The Slow And Relax Process

Starting slow will fulfill your desires and nourish your sex life. Quick fun is not always good for your love life. The relaxing process will arouse the sex factors in your body. It will also relax your muscles and build a sensual bond. But don't push yourself to higher arousal; encourage a slow flow of energies and sensations. Being slow will lead to deep intimacy and connection. Moreover, your love-making process will extend, resulting in great pleasure.

These tantra tips will enlighten your sex life and help you lead the playful love bond that you always desired. In the online tantra course, these tips are highlighted to teach struggling couples to form a deeper connection.


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