Do you think your love life lacks the old feeling? And, is it difficult to make your bond stronger again? Then, it's time to spice up your love life with tantra practices. For all the disturbances and obstacles coming your way while forming a good sex life again, tantra can be the ultimate solution. Today's modern-day couple believes in tantra practices to bring sacred sexuality and enjoy a playful love life. Tantric love-making practices are a great way of connecting with your partner. To lead a healthy and conscious sex life, tantra experts let you learn the power of communication with sexual intelligence. Several tantric tips can bring back your happy love life to form a stronger bond than ever. Connect with yourself before connecting with your partner Remember, connecting with your partner is hard when you cannot connect with yourself. It is necessary to develop an open connection with your own heart. This will let you form a sort of connection with your partner. You must ...
Embodied Awakening is an Tantric Arts Academy of choice offering training in life, love and service. Chantelle Raven inspires women and men across the world to embody the love and freedom that they seek.